If your bathroom offers limited space, the right design is essential to make the best use of what space you do have, and with that in mind, here are a few tips to help you come up with a suitable design that is practical too.
- Bespoke Storage – Make the best use of those small recesses by hiring a local joiner to build you cabinets and shelving that makes the most of otherwise unused space. There are companies that specialise in bathroom renovation and they would be able to incorporate bespoke cabinets into the design.
- Large Tiles – Small tiles will only make the room look smaller, but larger tiles help to create a spacious look, as there are less joints, stretching the image a little. Mention this to the renovation team and they can help you choose the best size for ceramic or floor tiles.
- Lose the Bath – Yes, it is lovely to have a hot soak after a long day, but the amount of floorspace you regain when you remove the bath is considerable and a corner digital shower is every bit an invigorating as a hot soak. Of course, it is all down to personal preferences and if you can’t do without your tub, choose one of a suitable size and shape.
- Mini Vanity Unit – If the room is narrow, a mini vanity unit is ideal and the extra space will really make a difference; search online for the best deals, or ask the bathroom renovator to source one, as he gets trade prices.
- Reflecting the Light – This is an old interior designer’s trick and using the windows and mirrors, you can reflect light, making the room feel larger than it actually is. The bathroom renovation company would most certainly know about this and they can make that a design priority.
- Choose Light Shades – Dark colours simply don’t work in small spaces, rather light pastel colours, which brighten up the space, making it feel larger. Choose two colours like pale blue and cream, or salmon pink and lilac, which are bright and visually appealing. There are lots of great bathroom images online and an hour browsing with Google images is bound to come up with a colour scheme you like.
When renovating the bathroom, don’t forget that items can be moved with a little building work, meaning you could relocate the vanity sink, toilet of shower and that might be a far better option.